Leader: Francesco Giorgino (UNIBA); Collaborators: Alessandro Sale (CNR), Irene Caruso (UNIBA); Marco Linari (UNIFI); Giulia Sautariello (UNIFI); Ilaria Morotti (UNIFI)
- Activities pursued include the in vivo and ex vivo morphological and functional characterization of human muscle in adults with sarcopenia and the establishment of the medaka fish as a suitable model for drug testing in skeletal muscle diseases and the purification of myosin isoforms to study its mechanical properties.
- The demonstration of the expression and activity of GLP-1 and GIP receptor on human coronary artery and brain microvasculature endothelial cells will allow to evaluate a possible district-specific salutary effect of GLP-1 receptor agonists on inflammation- and hypoxia-induced damages.
- The analysis of the safety profile of antidiabetes drugs, with a specific focus on age and gender, using the FAERS database has been completed and submitted for publication
- Recruitment of staff, ethical approval and identification of patients with subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment to investigate the effects of a combined cognitive-motor training protocol is ongoing. Development of a new experimental set up for the characterization of a murine model of subjective cognitive decline is ongoing.
- publication of reports describing emerging topics on biology of ageing (M30)
- ~4 publications of scientific papers summarizing main validated biological findings on ageing across all WPs (~M30),
- Laymen summary on relevant possible biological findings influencing ageing and its processes (M34).