Leader: Leonardo Tenori (UNIFI); Other collaborator(s): Alessia Vignoli (UNIFI)
We plan to perform NMR-based metabolomic analyses of human biofluids from individuals at different ages, to characterize ageing and ageing related diseases. NMR spectra will be analysed using univariate and multivariate approaches to identify biological biomarkers that are related to the ageing process and to the investigated diseases. Biology and physiology of ageing will be investigated using a metabolite network approach. This task will be synergistically developed by Department of Chemistry (DICUS) and Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
1) new NMR data analysis of neuroblastoma and astrocyte cell cultures.
2) Statistical analysis of saliva and stool data completed (see previous months).
3) Completion of NMR spectra acquisition of serum from elderly patients with ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke and start of data analysis.
4) Start of acquisition of serum samples from patients with colon cancer (early and metastatic stage).
Dissemination: Age-It Congress Venice, 2 oral presentations; Chianti Workshop poster presentation
1) New NMR data analysis of neuroblastoma cell cultures completed,
2) NMR spectra acquisition of astrocyte cultures completed and data analysis started.
3) NMR data analysis of serum and clinical data of elderly patients with ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke.
4) Acquisition of serum samples from patients with colon cancer (early and metastatic stage) completed.
1) manuscript preparation on analyses of neuroblastoma cell cultures,
2) completed analysis of NMR data from astrocyte cultures treated with a beta oligomers.
3) analysis of serum NMR data and clinical data from elderly patients with ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke.
4) statistical analyses of NMR data from serum samples from patients with colon cancer (early and metastatic stages) have begun.
5) manuscript preparation on analyses of saliva and stool samples from elderly patients with periodontitis and healthy controls.
Vignoli, A.; Gori, A. M.; Berteotti, M.; Cesari, F.; Giusti, B.; Bertelli, A.; Kura, A.; Sticchi, E.; Salvadori, E.; Barbato, C.; Formelli, B.; Pescini, F.; Marcucci, R.; Tenori, L.; Poggesi, A. The Serum Metabolomic Profiles of Atrial Fibrillation Patients Treated with Direct Oral Anticoagulants or Vitamin K Antagonists. Life Sciences 2024, 351, 122796. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2024.122796.
Vignoli, A.; Tenori, L. NMR-Based Metabolomics in Alzheimer’s Disease Research: A Review. Front Mol Biosci 2023, 10, 1308500. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmolb.2023.1308500.
Ghini, V.; Meoni, G.; Vignoli, A.; Di Cesare, F.; Tenori, L.; Turano, P.; Luchinat, C. Fingerprinting and Profiling in Metabolomics of Biosamples. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 2023, 138–139, 105–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnmrs.2023.10.002.
Vignoli et al., Clin Nutr. 2024 Dec 19:45:31-35. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2024.12.016.
Poster presentations (Tenori and Vignoli) at the NEURO-MI International Meeting "Brain Health and prevention of cognitive decline Today’s challenges for a brighter Tomorrow", Milan, October 23-25, 2024 University of Milano-Bicocca.
Oral presentation (Tenori) and poster presentations (Salobehaj and Vignoli) at the inaguration of Age-Florence Florence Ageing Research Center, December 19.
Age-It Congress Venice, 2 oral presentations; Chianti Workshop poster presentation
Alessia Vignoli, poster presentation "NMR-BASED METABOLOMICS IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASERESEARCH: FROM CELLS TO BIOFLUIDS", 51ˢᵗ National Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Firenze 4-6 settembre
Alessia Vignoli, poster presentation "SERUM NMR-BASED METABOLOMIC ANALYSIS OF DEMENTIA AND PRE-DEMENTIA PATIENTS TO PREDICT ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE EVOLUTION", Giornata celebrativa Decennale Airalzh Onlus, Ministero della Salute (Roma). 18/09/2024
Alessia Vignoli, poster presentation "METABOLOMICS IN AGE-RELATED DISEASES: STUDYING ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE VIA A SERUM OMIC NMR-BASED APPROACH", Convegno Internazionale Brain Health, Milano 23-25 Ottobre
Leonardo Tenori, poster presentation "Metabolomic Investigation Of The Effects Of Alzheimer’s Molecular Stressors On Neuroblastoma Cells", Convegno Internazionale Brain Health, Milano 23-25 Ottobre