Biosketch: Alessia Vignoli graduated with a M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences cum laude (curriculum: Chemistry of Biological Molecules) at the University of Florence in 2014. The same year she won a PhD scholarship for the International Doctorate in Structural Biology at the same University, and she obtained her PhD cum laude in 2017. She has been post-doctoral researcher (2018) under the supervision of Prof. Luchinat and recipient of an AIRC fellowship (2019-2020) at CERM/CIRMMP. Under the guidance of Dr. Leonardo Tenori, she has been post-doctoral fellow (2021-2022) at the Chemistry Department of the University of Florence. In 2023 she joined the faculty at the same Department as research fellow (RTD-A). In 2022 she receives the GIDRM Under 35 award. The same year she has been granted with the Airalzh (Associazione Italiana Ricerca Alzheimer Onlus) Grant for Young Researchers - AGYR 2022.
Roles: Spoke 2 contributor, Spoke 2 WP4 contributor, WP4 Task 4.7 contributor.
Research interests: Dr. Vignoli scientific interests are focused on the characterization of the chemical composition of complex matrices such as biofluids and cell models by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and on the applications of NMR-based metabolomics in medicine for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.'Dr. Vignoli scientific interests are focused on the characterization of the chemical composition of complex matrices such as biofluids and cell models by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and on the applications of NMR-based metabolomics in medicine for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.