Leader: Federica Agosta (UNISR); Other collaborator(s): Camillo Marra (UNICATT)
Modelling brain aging trajectories. We will exploit our recently launched Institutional biobank of aging to capture unanticipated markers and mechanisms of age-related cognitive dysfunction. By disentangling the additive effect of age on neurodegeneration we expect to generate models capable of describing individual aging trajectories of prognostic and therapeutic value. To this end, we will longitudinally investigate age-related cognitive decline by functional and structural 3T MRI connectivity and neuropsychological evaluation in a large population of aged individuals. Comprehensive clinical assessment will be integrated with biological characterization, including tissue-specific and systemic biomarkers of inflammaging.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: Longitudinal databases are in preparation in each center of the consortium. Collection of follow-up clinical/cognitive data, MRI scans and functional outcome in patients of the Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR) cohort is ongoing, in coordination with geriatric specialists assessing global frailty indexes at follow-up evaluations. Exploratory longitudinal analysis of grey matter atrophy measures (i.e., cortical thickness and subcortical volumes) in a sample of patients with frontotemporal dementia from the OSR cohort has been performed. A pipeline for frontotemporal dementia classification based on principal component analysis and support vector machine using longitudinal data has been identified from literature search and applied to OSR cohort data.
Preparation for dissemination events with related abstract submissions
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications: This activity will generate approaches to be used to predict evolution of clinical and cognitive performance in patients with age-related cognitive disorders and at-risk elderly healthy individuals.
Participation in WP meetings.
Longitudinal databases are in preparation in each center of the consortium. Collection of follow-up clinical/cognitive data, MRI scans and functional outcome in patients of the Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR) cohort is ongoing. A manuscript for publication using data from the OSR cohort (frontotemporal dementia patients) is ongoing. Database harmonization with the Gemelli cohort (as detailed for June 2024 activities) is being planned.
Participation in Spoke 3 Meeting held online on July 30. of follow-up clinical/cognitive data, MRI scans and functional outcome in patients of the Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR) cohort is ongoing. Longitudinal databases are in preparation in each center of the consortium. Manuscript for publication using data from the OSR cohort (frontotemporal dementia patients) has been submitted to the Neurology journal.
Participation in Spoke 3 Meeting held online on October 30. Participation in WP meetings. Longitudinal databases are in preparation in each center of the consortium. Collection of follow-up clinical/cognitive data, MRI scans and functional outcome in patients of the Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR) cohort is ongoing, together with assessment of fluid biomarkers levels. The analysis of data regarding patients with frontotemporal dementia (OSR cohort) has been completed. The related manuscript has been prepared, revised and submitted for publication using data from the OSR cohort (frontotemporal dementia patients) to Radiology journal. Dissemination events included the SIN (Italian Society of Neurology) meeting held in Rome November 9-12.
Ghirelli A, Spinelli EG, Canu E, Domi T, Basaia S, Castelnovo V, Pozzi L, Magnani G, Caso F, Caroppo P, Prioni S, Villa C, Riva N, Quattrini A, Carrera P, Filippi M, Agosta F. Case report: Coexistence of C9orf72 expansion and progranulin mutation in a case of genetic frontotemporal dementia - clinical features and neuroimaging correlates. J Neurol 2023; 270(10): 5102-5109 [Epub ahead of print 29 June 2023; doi: 10.1007/s00415-023-11839-3]
Canu E, Rugarli G, Coraglia F, Basaia S, Cecchetti G, Calloni SF, Vezzulli PQ, Spinelli EG, Santangelo R, Caso F, Falini A, Magnani G, Filippi M, Agosta F. Real-word application of the AT(N) classification and disease-modifying treatment eligibility in a hospital-based cohort. J Neurol 2024; 271 (5): 2716-2729 [Epub ahead of print 21 Feb 2024; doi: 10.1007/s00415-024-12221-7]
Ghirelli A, Spinelli EG, Canu E, Basaia S, Castelnovo V, Cecchetti G, Sibilla E, Domi T, Magnani G, Caso F, Caroppo P, Prioni S, Villa C, Rossi G, Tremolizzo L, Appollonio I, Verde F, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Filippi F, Agosta F. Clinical and neuroanatomical characterization of the semantic behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia in a multicentre Italian cohort. J Neurol 2024; 271 (7): 4203-4215 [Epub ahead of print 10 April 2024; doi: 10.1007/s00415-024-12338-9]
Cecchetti G, Agosta F, Rugarli G, Spinelli EG, Ghirelli A, Zavarella M, Bottale I, Orlandi F, Santangelo R, Caso F, Magnani G, Filippi M. Diagnostic accuracy of automated Lumipulse plasma pTau-217 in Alzheimers disease: a real-world study. J Neurol 2024; 271(10): 6739-6749 [Epub ahead of print 22 August 2024; doi: 10.1007/s00415-024-12631-7]
Castelnovo V, Canu E, Aiello EN, Curti B, Sibilla E, Torre S, Freri F, Tripodi C, Lumaca L, Spinelli EG, Schito P, Russo T, Falzone Y, Verde F, Silani V, Ticozzi N, Sturm V, Rankin KP, Gorno-Tempini ML, Poletti B, Filippi M, Agosta F. How to detect affect recognition alterations in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. J Neurol 2024; 271(11): 7208-7221 [Epub ahead of print 17 Sept 2024; doi: 10.1007/s00415-024-12686-6]
Spinelli EG, Ghirelli A, Bottale I, Basaia S, Canu E, Castelnovo V, Volontè MA, Galantucci S, Magnani G, Caso F, Cecchetti G, Caroppo P, Prioni S, Villa C, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL, Filippi M, Agosta F. Stepwise functional brain architecture correlates with atrophy in progressive supranuclear palsy. Mov Disord 2024; 39(9): 1493-1503 [Epub ahead of print 17 June 2024; doi: 10.1002/mds.29887]
In press
Agosta F, Basaia S, Spinelli EG, Facente F, Lumaca L, Ghirelli A, Canu E, Castelnovo V, Sibilla E, Tripodi C, Freri F, Cecchetti G, Magnani G, Caso F, Verde F, Ticozzi N, Silani V, Caroppo P, Prioni S, Villa C, Tremolizzo L, Appollonio I, Raj A, Filippi M. Modelling pathological spread through the structural connectome in the frontotemporal dementia clinical spectrum. Brain 2024 (in press)