Leader: Roberto Baiocco (Sapienza); Other collaborator(s):
Sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) older adults are increasingly being recognized as minority subgroups with specific characteristics. On the one hand, they are considered the first LGBTQIA+ aging generation, with unique concerns resulting from aging within large heterosexist and ageist society, such as isolation, a lack of family ties, and discrimination in healthcare services. On the other hand, these many life stressors, if reflected on and processed, may enable LGBTQIA+ older adults to develop psychological well being and positive identity. Research is mandatory to identify resilience factors that LGBTQIA+ older adults develop to cope with heterosexist and ageist social contexts. Aging must be considered an emerging challenge for sexual and gender minority individuals and communities.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Policy implication:
Practice Implication:
- Finalized the approval of the local ethical committee (Prot. N.CERT_18C1B960945).
- Conducting a series of focus groups with older LGBTQ+ people in sport-related contexts.
- Develop a new interview to investigate older LGBTQ+ people’s past and present experiences of discrimination in sports and physical activity contexts.
- Started recruiting participants for the interview about LGBTQ+ people’s past and present experiences of discrimination in sports and physical activity contexts.
- Write a paper on general guidelines for trainers and staff who work in sports-related contexts about policy and inclusion of older LGBTQ+ adults (September- December, 2024)
- Thematic analyses of interviews about LGBTQ+ people’s past and present experiences of discrimination in sports and physical activity contexts and opinions about change in terms of inclusiveness (October-December, 2024);
- Submitted a paper to the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, entitled: "Invisible Hurdles": The Unique Challenges of Older Italian Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in Sports and Physical Activities” (October 2024);
- Published a systematic review on physical activity and sport in older LGBTQ+ people (Pistella, J., Baiocco, R., Antoniucci, C., Alessandri, G., Alivernini, F., Borghi, A. M., ... & Lucidi, F. (2024). Older LGBT+ Adults and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Data. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. Advance online publication. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13178-023-00925-w).
- Published a commentary regarding “Gender diversity and sport (Pistella, J., & Baiocco, R. (2023). Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Increasing Inclusivity. Journal of Homosexuality. Advanced online publication. Doi:10.1080/00918369.2023.2252965).
- Published a manuscript on the role of coming out process, resilience and experiences of discrimination as predictors of physical health in older Italian LGBTQ+ adults (Baiocco, R., Antoniucci, C., Pistella, J., Alessandri, G., Alivernini, F., Borghi, A. M., … & Lucidi, F. (2024). Aging well in an aging society: physical health in older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 15,1369021.,DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1369021.
- Published a manuscript entitled: "Pistella, J., Entilli, L., & Baiocco, R. (2024). A Long Parents’ Journey After Children’s Coming Out: Obstacles, Relationships, Generativity, and Life Balance. Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2024.2337730
- Presentation of a poster entitled “Antoniucci, C., Baiocco, R., Pistella, J., & Lucidi, F. “Promoting Physical Health in Sexual Minority Italian Adults: Obstacles and Resources” at the 4th International Conference on Gender Studies and Sexuality (ICGSS) (14-16 March, Berlin). https://www.dpublication.com/proceeding/4th-icgss/#Table-of-Contents.
- Organization of the conference “Giornalismo sportivo e persone LGBTQIA+” (28th July, Department of Development and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome). https://www.uniroma1.it/it/notizia/giornalismo-sportivo-e-persone-lgbtqia
- Participation at the symposium with a speech entitled: “Antoniucci, C., Pistella, J., & Baiocco, R. Gender-typicality through generations: A study within a group of Italian families” for the 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) (Lisbon, June 16-20). https://2024biennial.issbd.org/#
- Presentation of a poster entitled “Antoniucci, C., Baiocco, R., Pistella, J., & Lucidi, F. Physical health and aging well in older LGB+ adults: The role of discrimination, coming out and personal resiliency” at r Age-IT conference (Venice, May 20-22). https://ageit.eu/wp/convegno-venezia-2024/
- Short speech entitled “Antoniucci, C., Lucidi, F., Micoli, A., & Baiocco, R. Sports and Physical Activity Through the Life Course: Experiences of Discrimination in Older Italian Sexual Minority Adults” presented at AIP- sezione sviluppo (Cagliari, September 19-21). https://aipass.org/eventi/xxxvi-congresso-nazionale-aip-sezione-psicologia-dello-sviluppo-e-delleducazione/
- Under review paper on general guidelines for trainers and staff who works in sports related contexts about policy and inclusion of older LGBTQ+ adults (“Baiocco, R., Antoniucci, C., Pistella, J., Alessandri, G., Alivernini, F., …& Lucidi, F. (under review) Linee guida per rendere i contesti sportivi e di attività fisica luoghi sicuri e affermativi per le persone anziane LGBTQ+. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia.”)
- Under review paper on older LGBTQ+ adults’ past and present experiences of discrimination and exclusion in sport-related contexts (Baiocco, R., Antoniucci, C.,Entilli, L., Lucidi, F., Alessandri, G.,... & Pistella, J. (under review). "Invisible Hurdles": The Unique Challenges of Older Italian Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in Sports and Physical Activities. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health.)
- Abstract submitted at 2nd Global Conference on Gender Studies (GENDERCONF, 01 - 03 November 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark).
- Abstract submitted at The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (Tokyo, 24-29 March, 2025)
- Working on a paper regarding the generativity of older adults in sports and physical activity contexts, comparing older LGBTQ+ activists and non-activists. The paper will analyze how older LGBTQ+ activists might be more likely to engage in queer generative behaviors that focus on enhancing sexual minority identities and providing support to the sexual minority community, in the specific context of sports and physical activity. We would submit the paper to Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, an International journal with a high impact factor.