Leader: Emilia Di Lorenzo (UNINA)
Estimate the impact of the pension reform process on labour supply and wealth accumulation. Understand the role of the public/private pension mix for an ageing workforce and the role financial literacy as a determinant of the pension gap. Provide a full map of the financial/insurance instruments which accompany the ageing process through a life-course approach. Analyse technical solutions in different risk-environments that satisfy the demand for protection in old age, accounting for future projections of the sustainability of the Italian pension system. Provide a complete taxonomy and regional distribution of the existing LTC provisions and provide estimates and future projections of the sustainability of a Long Term care system in relation to the public/private mix, obtain a definition of a set of “Minimal Requirements” in terms of information on limitation and other health dimensions for an effective insurance instruments.
Cascade Funding
WP5 also include research activities through cascade funding.