Leader: Francesca Gasparini (UNIMIB); Collaborators: Alessandra Grossi (UNIMIB), Alberto Vezzoso, Sandro Locati (Beta80)
An ICT system will be designed to collect, manage and analyze data from multicomponent interventions on different cohorts of older people. This system will be designed in order to manage acquisition, integration, access and data sharing and to perform tasks such as data retrieving, querying, mining, statistics analysis and predictions based on AI models. This design will be developed following the evolution of the Design, implementation and management of the enabling services of the National Telemedicine Platform "- Mission 6 Component 1 sub-investment 1.2.3" Telemedicine ". The system design will take into account a central database, where all relevant data will be stored and managed, and data hubs (older community dwellers, older hospitalized patients, older adults living in long term care facilities) where data from multicomponent interventions are collected.