Biosketch: Sandro Locati is Business Innovation Manager at Beta 80 S.p.A., where he works on funded projects, self-funded R&D projects, and presales engineer. He is member of the Emergency Medical Service System, Territorial Healthcare, Incident Management System, and AI Health focus groups. He is accountable in promoting innovation in public and private RPIs, RFPs, and RFTs. Moreover, actually he is actively involved in the Research Programme Age-IT (Ageing Well in an Ageing Society) funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (~115 mil Euros) and in the iProcureSecurity PCP (Pre-Commercial Procurement of Innovative Triage Management Systems Strengthening Resilience and Interoperability of Emergency Medical Services) funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (+10 mil Euros). He is co-holder of the patents Method and System for Platform for Event Management and Method (USPTO: 20160274770-A1) and System for Dashboard for Event Management (USPTO: 20160275151-A1) for innovative and efficient EMS management.
Roles: Spoke 1 WP6 contributor, Spoke 5 WP2 contributor, Spoke 8 WP4 contributor
Research interests