Leader: Sandra Costanzo (UNICAL)
Specialized sensing technology may be usefully exploited to provide innovative hardware and software platforms for realizing assisted tools of disease prevention and health monitoring. Innovative solutions will be developed at regards, to realize personal monitoring at home, thus reducing the operator dependence, while guaranteeing security, reliability and action conformity. In particular, a ultra-portable echography system will be developed, together with the implementation of relative processing algorithms with low computational cost, while a Time-Domain functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy instrument (TD-fNIRS) will be optimized for non-invasive physiological monitoring purpose. Microwave and wearable textile sensors for non-invasive biomedical monitoring, auxilied by clinically-inspired Artificial Intelligence methods for accurate diagnosis and prediction, will be designed and tested. A local hub realizing an “age-friendly” interface to perform guided measurements of physiological parameters will be specifically designed and equipped with health-monitoring sensors.