Age-It: A novel public-private alliance to generate socioeconomic, biomedical and technological solutions for an inclusive Italian ageing society
This wiki-page has been created for providing a full account of the Age-It Programme to the general public, including research and educational institutions, care providers and civil society associations, businesses and industries.
Age-It is a significant structural investment program aimed at strengthening the network of Italian research centers currently operating in the field of aging. It is the only one among the 14 Extended Partnerships funded nationally by the National Resilience and Recovery Fund that is specifically dedicated to the topic of aging and its consequences on Italian society.
The Research Programme indeed aims at generating a quantum leap, making Italy the leading scientific hub in research on ageing, and a state-of-the-art “empirical laboratory” regarding the ageing process to build an inclusive society for all ages.
THE TEN SPOKES OF AGE-IT. Age-It identifies the ten most relevant challenges to allow individuals to age well and to build an inclusive ageing society as the foundation of the Spoke infrastructure, which consists of six thematic (horizontal) challenges and four cross-integration (vertical) challenges.