This challenge addresses age-related changes in cognition, emotions, behaviours and physiological functioning as people progress through older ages. Spoke 4 will develop and implement innovative interventions targeting specific physical ageing processes and risk factors for diseases and their progression. This Spoke will follow a person-centred perspective that focus on multidimensional approaches to health in the physical, cognitive, behavioural and social domains.
Innovative, “one health” integrated and personalized approaches to health promotion and disease prevention using new anti-ageing strategies (WP1). The following are underway: Establishment of a Clinic for Multidimensional assessments and clinical needs assessment for Adapted Physical Activity and exercise Prescription; Training of physical trainers to whom refer patients; Pilot Study Deployment for specific use cases.
Design effective interventions to improve physiological outcomes and diseases-related conditions in middle-aged and older adults (WP2). Systematic review of existing literature on active ageing: a review of self-reported instruments for measuring subjective views and self-perceptions of wellbeing and life satisfaction in later life. Conducting focus groups on self-perceptions of age-related changes in cognitive and psychological functioning. New questionnaire assessing self-perceptions of age-related changes. Evidence-based guidelines. Innovative app-based cognitive/memory training program designed for older adults. Preliminary data analysis using Italian Time Use surveys. Website for health promotion and primary prevention
Integrating digital technologies in the life course approach to active and healthy ageing based on multidimensional mechanisms driving healthy behavior change (WP3). Review on environmental risk factors; Screening tool for risk assessment of falls indoor/outdoor. Identification of frailty risk factors risk factors. Multidimensional intervention (Nutitional, psychological, rehabilitation), Integration of AFA following rehabilitation discharge.
Promoting Mental Health in middle aged and older people (WP4). Multidimensional approaches to healthy aging are underway in the physical, neuro-cognitive, behavioral and social domains.
Tools for measuring frailty in population (WP5). Guidelines for professionals on tools for identifying subjects at risk of frailty. Lifelong Impact of Public Policies on Health in Old Age: Evidence of Causal Effects. Screening tools for pre-frailty and frailty
Provide a more in depth understanding of psychosocial components that are highly relevant to healthy ageing. (WP6). Development and implementation of innovative strategies to promote quality of life in ageing. Offer multidimensional treatment approaches to health in ageing in the physical, cognitive, behavioural and social domains. Foster personal engagement in the self-management of older adults and promote original technological solutions, including mobile interventions and robotic assistance.