Biosketch: Researcher (Level III) at the Research Institute for Sustainable Economic Growth (CNR‐IRCrES) forresearch activities related to the project ʺAgeing Well in an Ageing Societyʺ (Age‐It); Research fellowship for the scientific and organizational coordination of seminar activities for the pubblic and private projects: ʺMò Bene! Monitoring of confiscated assets in Naples (Interventions in the area of legality and security, as per the directorial decree No. 148 of 27/12/2021 published in the BURC No. 118 of 27/12/2021; CUP: D63C22000190002.Consorzio Promos in Demo‐anthropological research project: Heritagization of the traditional chestnut processing in the Partenio area – known as Castagna del Prete – Within the context of the cultural rites related to the Sanctuary of Madonna di Montevergineʺ (Directorial Decree No. 319 of 21/12/2018 and Directorial Decree No. 45 of 08/07/2019 ‐ CUP F26G1800152000); FSE CAMPANIA FSE 2014‐2020 2014IT055FOPO20 Axis IV, Specific Objectives 18 and 21. Interdepartmental research (Business Law; Economics, Business Economics, Finance, Marketing, Legal Sociology, Economic Sociology) on local and national business network systems. Scientific manager for: Solidarity Alliance for Citizen Engagement across Europe, Funding: Europe for Citizens (17 partners). PRIN ""Media and Terrorism. The impact of communication and digital networks on perceived insecurity"".
Roles: Spoke 6 WP2 Task 2.2 collaborator
Research interests