Leader: Greta Falavigna (CNR); Other collaborator(s): Donatella BRAMANTI (UNICATT), Anna D'Ascenzio (CNR)
Measure objective and subjective life-work balance for older workers (e.g. through an effort/reward index) considering also active ageing policies. The final aim is to derive KPIs for social health - quantity and quality of social interactions, workplace working conditions as well as pushing and pulling factors affecting retirement and exits from the labour market. Consider the differential demand from working arrangements for older women and pension policies. Include market and non market activities. Identify coping strategies. Make use of the SHARE infrastructure and other surveys. In addition, an ad hoc survey will be defined with the aim to integrate qualitative data to quantitative aspects and the feasibility of producing such data will be assessed.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Quanti-qualitative instruments (focus groups and questionnaires) for understanding how to reconcile work and professional life: 1) transition to retirement; 2) work-life balance; 3) family care loads; 4) job satisfaction; 5) workload; 6) the topic of intergenerational professional and family relationships. Quantitative analysis on the determinants of work-life balance from the European Working Condition Survey (EWCS). Individual factors versus general issues (i.e., Individual factors; Job related factors; Non-standard work scheduling; Perception of increasing work change; Workplace social environment; Firm’s characteristics; Control individual factors; Control country factors).
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Identified some critical points to support older workers in managing the transition to retirement maintaining a satisfying work-life balance
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
1. Estimates of pathways to retirement related to the health status, health hazards and to the risk of injuries. The role of co-designing to guarantee a safe environment for older workers.
2. “Aging at work” measured with physical health - type of job, hazardous and risky tasks, chronic health conditions and/or disabilities; mental health - presence of cognitive impairment, mental distress (anxiety, depression). Indexes of “work capacity” with health demands of each job.
3. Strategies for older workers transiting into retirement emphasize maintaining work-life balance. These are keys to enhance workforce retention and inform policies aimed at supporting aging workers.
4. Estimates of the role of local spending for old age and managing resource scarcity by municipalities: preliminary findings suggest that local spending may not be enough to counteract unequal ageing.
5. Estimates of gender imbalances in older age groups, which also interact with the health of female workers and the gender pension gap (see also WP5).
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Investigation of the role of factors affecting the work-life balance and definition of a score of WLB dissatisfaction. Starting from a deeper investigation of the literature, together with the data avalilability from the EWCS, the research team has identified an hybrid model based on econometric and artificial intelligence approach for the assignment of dissatiosfaction WLB score. In this phase, the analysis focused on gender difference in order to indentify the optimal policy portfolio for women and men. In addition, a survey has been defined with the aim to improve the understanding of intergenerational dynamics and occupational well-being. The main goals of the survey is to better understand how work-life balance can be improved analyzing perspectives related to retirement and the impact on families. Results from the survey will be used for training an AI app for the identification of optimal policy portfolio. More recent analyses concern the impact of the smart working on the WLB of workers and the study of feminization and working conditions.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Main practical results concern the definition of a roadmap for the identification of optimal policy portfolio including an app based on artificial intelligence for the definition of WLB dissatisfaction score.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results:
Thanks to the recruitment of the research fellows, the activities were enriched with two topics that are extremely relevant to the analysis of the well-being of the elderly, working and non-working. In particular, we began to study the implementation of co-housing and the adaptation of cities to an ageing population. In addition, a first interview outline was defined to be administered to senior lecturers, with particular reference to the topic of feminisation and TFA.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
- Retirement is not a single event but a multifaceted transition, shaped by personal, financial, and social factors. Intergenerational relationships play a dual role: from the one hand older workers may leave to focus on family or health; from the other hand, mentoring opportunities and organizational value encourage their continued participation.
- Identification of six typologies of senior workers revealing diverse needs and motivations: Flexibility is critical for balancing work, caregiving, and personal well-being; Intergenerational dynamics, whether as support systems or sources of empowerment, are central to many profiles.
- The project outlines actionable policies to support older workers: Flexible work arrangements: Promote part-time and project-based roles; Gradual retirement: Allow phased transitions to reduce disruption; Continuous learning programs: Equip seniors with digital and job-specific skills; Intergenerational mentoring: Harness the experience of senior workers to enhance organizational cohesion; Post-retirement engagement: Facilitate volunteering and social participation to maintain retirees' sense of purpose.
- Dissatisfaction with WLB increases with rigid work conditions and insufficient support. Significant regional disparities in Europe were identified: Southern Europe faces more challenges in flexible scheduling and caregiving support; Northern and Western Europe show higher levels of WLB satisfaction; Significant gender disparities in Europe were identified. In particular, the WLB satisfaction of women increases only in Western and Southern Europe when voluntary and charity activities increase; only in Western and Southern Europe when women are dependent workers; only in Northen and Western Europe when sport activities increase.
- Aging is not solely a challenge but a valuable resource for organizations and society. Senior workers exhibit adaptability, resilience, and a willingness to contribute beyond traditional retirement boundaries. Technological proficiency, often underestimated, is growing among older individuals, enabling their continued relevance in the workforce
Dissemination Events:
- Presentations at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice meeting (July 2023)
- Participation to the Meeting of European Network of Researchers exploring the Wellbeing of Older Women@Work, University of Salford, 24-25 June 2023
- Partecipazione di Sara Nanetti con “Digital Transformation of Work and Active Aging” al Festival della Sociologia, Narni, 6-8 October 2023;
- “AGE-IT”: the Contribution of Medical and Social Sciences, AGE-IT Workshop, 18 - 19 ottobre 2023 - Milano
- UNIGHT 2023, European Research Night, Stand “Right2Health” in collaboration with the University of Turin
- Dissemination Workshop Spoke 6 "What is the state of the art of research on the Silver Economy? A focus on work, participation, and welfare at older ages" June, 2023
- AGE-It General Meeting. Age-It announced the Call for Papers for the General Meeting, organized by Spoke 6, which took place in Venice at the Ca’ Foscari University from May 20th to May 22nd at San Giobbe Economic Campus – Cannaregio 873 – 30121 Venice. During the meeting, parallel sessions were hold dedicated to the research conducted by members of the Age-It community. Each session focused on a broad theme with contributions from various disciplines. Every session emphasized the implications of the research for practice and policies in the biomedical, demographic, social, and economic fields, and/or on technological innovation. The General Meeting was an important dissemination event that reached and engaged more than 400 participants.The main results presented and discussed at the Age-It general meeting, received significant attention by the research community and are expected to influence both practice and policies for an active and healthy ageing.
- Errichiello, L., Falavigna, G. (2024), "Ageing women at work in Europe and the search for work-life balance: combining econometric models and artificial neural networks", General Meeting Age-It – Rethinking an ageing society, Venezia, May 20-22, 2024
- Bramanti D., Nanetti S., (2024), "Relational Dynamics and Retirement Transition: A Generational Comparison", General Meeting Age-It – Rethinking an ageing society, Venezia, May 20-22, 2024
- Errichiello, L., Falavigna, G. (2024), "Exploiting a deep learning-based approach for a customized work-life balance policy portfolio: the case of ageing working women in Europe", 7th International Conference on Aging & Technology Fair (eng)aging!, Prague, June 20-21, 2024
- Dissemination Event Track Organisation. (con Errichiello, L.): Track "SO.02 - Addressing the key challenges of ageing workforce: the role of job security and work-life balance", giovedi 5 ottobre 8.30-10.30, XLV Scientific Annual Conference, AISRE, Turin, September 4-6, 2024;
- D'Ascenzio, A., Falavigna, G., Lamonica, V. (2024), "Older workers (in)decent work? Per uno scenario della femminilizzazione", ESPAnet Dar conto delle diseguaglianze e riconfigurare le politiche sociali, Napoli, 4-6 September 2024;
- Errichiello, L., Falavigna, G. (2024), "Navigating work-life balance and shaping policies through artificial neural networks: the case of ageing workforce in Europe ", XLV Scientific Annual Conference, AISRE, Turin, September 4-6, 2024
- Bramanti, D., Nanetti, S., (2024) "Dinamiche Intergenerazionali e Transizione al Pensionamento Attivo: Un'Indagine Qualitativa sui Lavoratori Anziani", XLV Scientific Annual Conference, AISRE, Turin, September 4-6, 2024
- D' Ascenzio A. C. Di Pietro, L. Errichiello, G. Falavigna, F. Greco, V. Lamonica, S. Nanetti, “Age-It: Aging well in an Aging Society -Silver Economy: Lavoro, partecipazione e welfare in età avanzata”, UNIGHT 2024, European Research Night, Stand “Right2Health” in collaboration with the University of Turin, Turin September 27-28, 2024
- Bramanti D., Errichiello L., Falavigna G., Nanetti S., Retirement trasition and family network: An intergenerational perspective, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 18 October 2024;
- Falavigna G., Intelligenza artificiale al servizio del lavoratore anziano: un'app per migliorare la scelta delle politiche sull'equilibrio vita-lavoro, presso CNR-ISMed, Napoli, 18 October 2024;
- D’Ascenzio A., Che genere di professione: L’impresa della femminilizzazione over 50, nell’ambito del Convegno «IO CE LA FACCIO». Strategie e storie di successo dell’imprenditoria femminile in Irpinia, Camera di Commercio di Avellino, 3 dicembre 2024;
- Falavigna G., Age-IT in IRCrES: Temi esplorati e future prospettive di ricerca, nell’ambito del seminario “Invecchiamento: sfide e opportunità in una società che cambia”, 16/12/2024, CNR-IRCrES, Torino;
- D’Ascenzio, Non ho l’età? Per uno scenario della femminilizzazione over 50, nell’ambito del seminario “Invecchiamento: sfide e opportunità in una società che cambia”, 16/12/2024, CNR-IRCrES, Torino;
- Di Pietro C., Invecchiare nelle città metropolitane. Politiche sociali e modelli abitativi, nell’ambito del seminario “Invecchiamento: sfide e opportunità in una società che cambia”, 16/12/2024, CNR-IRCrES, Torino;
- Greco F., Traiettorie degli spazi urbani e invecchiamento della popolazione. prospettive teoriche e metodologiche, nell’ambito del seminario “Invecchiamento: sfide e opportunità in una società che cambia”, 16/12/2024, CNR-IRCrES, Torino
- Public Engagement. partecipazione alla Notte Europea della Ricerca (Torino) con l'organizzazione e presenza all'evento "Invecchiare lavorando?" Partecipa alla nostra ricerca! (co-organizzato con CNR ISMed e Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)
- Participation to the event "Futuro remoto 2024: Co-scienze", Futuro Remoto, Napoli, 19-20 Ottobre, titolo dell'evento: «Futuro “d’argento”: Consapevolezza, ricerca e azione in una società che invecchia» (organized by DSU with CNR-IRCrES, CNR-IRPPS, CNR-ISMed). A poster and a video were also produced at the event to publicise the research activities carried out by the three institutes involved in the project
- partecipation to the Event CNR-IRCrES, Torino 21/11/2024, La ricerca al servizio della società per un futuro sostenibile e inclusivo (G. Falavigna).
Scientific Output:
- Valmori A., Manzi C., Reverberi E., Crapolicchio E., & Lucifora C. (2024). Employee Welfare and Identity Needs: A Pathway to Enhance Job Satisfaction for Women Over 50. Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan 18/10/2024 - AGE-IT @ UNICATT: Evidence from the First Phase of the Age-it Program
- Valmori A., Manzi C., Crapolicchio E., Franzetti E., & Lucifora C. (2024). Fostering Work Retention: Adressing the Needs of Women Over-55. University of Turin, Turin 05-08/09/2024 - XVIII Congresso nazionale AIP – Sezione di Psicologia Sociale
- Valmori A., Manzi C., Crapolicchio E., Franzetti E., & Lucifora C. (2024). Health, Identity and Compensation as Predictors of Young and Senior Women’s Retention: Evidence from a Big Data Analysis in Italy. Universität Bern, Bern 12-14/06/2024 - Gender Diversity Across Europe – Devising Solutions from Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Perspectives
- Valmori A., Manzi C., Crapolicchio E., Franzetti E., & Lucifora C. (2024). Causes and Consequences of Retention: How Gender and Age Modulate the Effects. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice 20-22/05/2024 – General Meeting Age-It
- Madia, J.E., Moscone, F. and Nicodemo, C.: Studying informal care during the pandemic: mental health, gender and job status, 2023
- Aktas K.: “Characterising Life-Cycle Dynamics of Annual Days of Work, Wages, and Cross-Covariances”, 2023
- Ardito C., Ylenia Brilli, Elena Cottini, Gloria Moroni, Roberto Leombruni: “Accidents at work: evidence from an unanticipated increase in retirement age, 2023
- Bacci G., S. Viotti, G. Guidetti, G. Simondi, M. Caligaris, D. Converso: Work ability and its correlates with workers ageing among blue-collar workers in a manufacturing company: a cross-sectional study, 2023
- Crapolicchio, E., Manzi, C., Franzetti, E., Lucifora, C., Managing Age between and within firms in an Aging Society: Implications for firms’ efficiency and workers’ well-being, 2023
- Bramanti D., Nanetti S.: “Trasmissione intergenerazionale e transizione dal lavoro al pensionamento”, 2023
- Bramanti D., Sara Nanetti, "The value of networks in the retirement experience of older workers: pull and push factors", 2023
- Brugiavini A., P. Crudu, The Role of Disability Insurance on the Labour Market Trajectories of Europeans, mimeo, 2023
- Creation of an App for assigning dissatisfaction work-life balance scores and policy assessment