Biosketch: Laura Formenti is Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Milano Bicocca, where she teaches Family Pedagogy, Family Counseling: Theories and Practices, and Epistemology and Methodology of Research. She is President of the Italian Universities' Network for Lifelong Learning (RUIAP), Convenor of the Life History and Biography Research Network of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA), and former President of ESREA. For her book "Transforming perspectives in lifelong learning and adult education" (written with Linden West), she received the 2019 Cyril O. Houle Award of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) for outstanding literature in adult education. Presently, she is coordinating WP5/Spoke10 of the Research Programme Age-It; a research unit in a PRIN on graduates' employability in education, and several territory-based projects involving agencies and professionals in education and care. Her research is focused on lifelong learning (formal, informal and non-formal processes of development of knowledge, identities, practices, attitudes) of adults, older adults, and their formal and informal care givers, in families, services, communities, and the larger society.
Roles: Spoke 10 WP5 Leader; Board LEAA (Learning Education and Active Ageing)
Website: N/A
Research interests