Leader: Laura Formenti (UNIMIB); Contributors: Davide Cino, Francesca Romana Loberto (UNIMIB); Maria Vittoria Bufali (BOCCONI), Andrea Principi (INRCA)
Using bottom-up methods to map the needs, struggles and resources of the aging population, of their carers and involved professionals, to align their experiences with the new policies of health and social care in the NRRP, addressing the challenges entailed by their application, the workings of formal and informal care networks, visible and invisible problems and possible solutions, and offering guidelines for more integrated social and health policies. WP5 will:
- Implement a territorial network logic in four geographic areas, involving different participants (users, carers, professionals, decision makers) in interprofessional and intersectoral partnerships.
- Gather, organize and feed back to the ecosystem relevant knowledge from the ground, based on participants’ voices and experiences and illuminating processes.
- Document the ongoing effects of the new policies on local communities and networks of professionals, administrators, aging citizens and their proximal care systems.
- Co-design users' pathways, services, organizational solutions, and digital tools. Preparing and disseminating guidelines, knowledge and experiences.
- policy brief on outcomes coming from new policies applied at local and national level in the contest of several different networks and the proximal care system (M30),
- ~3 publication of experiences reports of ongoing effects of the new policies and strategies coming from participants (~M30),
- dataset creation of ongoing effects and outcomes (M34),
- guidelines for policy makers of the dispersed geographical areas on new strategies and policies to promote a community-based systemic approach (M34).