Biosketch: I graduated in Neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation (University of Padua), in 2013. After the very first experiences of research aimed at analyzing visuo-spatial attention in young individuals with autism, my interests focused on aging and on those physio-pathological processes that contribute to the acceleration of its evolution. Right after graduation, I attended a 2nd Level University Master Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and I started several clinical internships and collaborations at Neurologic and Neurorehabilitation Units across northern Italy. This allowed me to daily improve my expertise in neuropsychological diagnosis of dementia. During my PhD studies and a period spent at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), I investigated the role that sleep breathing disorders could have in causing neuropsychological impairments and in contributing to the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Since then, thanks to a collaboration between the Department of General Psychology and the Department of Medicine (University of Padua), I further strengthened my clinical and research experience in neuropsychological assessment, in non-pharmacological treatment of dementia and in supporting caregivers of individuals with neurocognitive disorders. In the field, I became an acknowledged professional for the scientific community, for clinicians (e.g., Geriatric Division- Department of Medicine- that also entrusted me with educational and teaching responsibilities at the post-graduate School of Geriatrics and Gerontology), for patients and caregivers. Also voluntary associations found my work useful to their aims, so they invited me in disseminating scientific findings to a general public audience with seminars and informative meetings on dementia. As highlighted by my CV, my clinical and research engagement gave me the chance to meet and cooperate with several other important colleagues and authors from the most disparate fields of knowledge (i.e., from the Department of Bioengineering, Department of Neuroscience, Department of Infectious Diseases) that enriched my professional and personal life with a multidisciplinary approach to both academic and clinical issues. The commitment of a broad network of collaborators from different institutions gives me support and acknowledgment daily, by aiding my ideas and projects with continuous profitable scientific exchanges. Since 2015, I have gained teaching experience at bachelor’s and master’s degrees level, and at postgraduate courses and schools (University of Bergamo and University of Padua) that enrich and inspire me with students’ considerations, questions and their always novel insights on my main research and clinical topics.
Roles: Spoke 3 WP5 Task 5.2 contributor
Research interests