Leader: Giuseppe Sergi (UNIPD); Other collaborator(s): Gabriele Sani (UNICATT); Angelo Antonini, Adele Ravelli, Stefania Moz, Giulia Musso, Maria DeVita, Marina De Rui (UNIPD); Federica Agosta (UNISR);
On the basis of pre-existing databases and new observational studies, to identify protective and risk factors of physical, cognitive and functional impairment towards disability. To develop, moreover, a model of stratification of the overall disability risk in order to prevent it in frail older individuals affected by multiple chronic diseases.
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results: We continued the enrolment in the OPA study, reaching 45 patients enrolled in February. The enrolment is ongoing. The amendment for telephone follow-ups of patients 6 months after the first evaluation was approved on 18/01/2024 by the Ethic Committee of Padua. The analyses regarding the ongoing study on the relationship between atrial fibrillation and cognitive decline, utilizing data from pre-existing databases (Pro.V.A. study), have been completed. We are finalizing the drafting paper of the analysis concerning the ongoing study on the correlation between atrial fibrillation and cognitive decline, using data from pre-existing databases (Pro.V.A. study).
Organizational meetings for planning and recruiting a 75-year-old cohort to which administering a screening test on frailty at the Casa della Salute "Le Piagge" together with a health literacy tool, with the aim of understanding the relationship between frailty and older people’s health literacy.
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications: These activities will enable a more in-depth investigation into the underlying mechanisms of the most common geriatric diseases, with a particular focus on neurodegenerative conditions.
From April to June 2024, the task force's activity focused mainly on the continuation of the "OPA Study: Relationship between neurological, metabolic and functional biomarkers in aging", launched in September 2023. In collaboration with Professors Antonini (task leader 3.2) and Busetto (task leader 2.6), the recruitment of older patients, both healthy and affected by pathologies such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's type dementia and obesity, continued. At the end of June, approximately 52 healthy individuals, 22 patients with Alzheimer's, 7 with obesity and 28 with Parkinson's have been recruited. All participants underwent a complete geriatric assessment, with a focus on functional and cognitive aspects, in addition to body composition and the distribution of fat and lean mass. Additionally, markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration were measured for each participant.
From July to September 2024 the OPA study progressed. At the end of September, the total number of participants recruited was 40 patients with Parkinson's, 69 healthy individuals, 12 with obesity and 24 with Alzheimer's. In addition, the analysis of neurodegeneration biomarkers was completed for the first 64 patients.
In the months of October to December 2024, in addition to continuing with patient recruitment for the OPA study, statistical analyses were completed for two studies conducted on pre-existing databases, focusing on frailty, multimorbidity, and physical performance. The first study, related to atrial fibrillation, and the second on the GDS scale and its variations over time, are currently in the drafting and review phases by the co-authors.
Meanwhile, the statistical review of a paper, previously submitted earlier in the year, is underway. This paper explores the relationship between cognitive function, atrial fibrillation, and physical performance.
Regarding the OPA study, recruitment for Parkinson's patients and healthy controls has been completed, and the analysis of the inflammatory component is ongoing.
Finally, in December, a new research grant for 2025 was awarded to Dr. Chiara Ceolin, who was selected after evaluation. Her research will focus on exploring the brain-muscle axis, using and analyzing data from the ongoing OPA study, which is expected to be concluded by May 2025.