Biosketch: Viviana Canicatti is a Research Fellow at the Neuroscience Intitute of CNR in Pisa, in the laboratory of Dr. Alessandro Sale. She has a broad scientific interest in developing more ethological and naturalistic preclinical models. She received her degree in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology from the University of Turin and advanced her scientific exploration in animal behavior and plasticity in the Netherlands. She has been working as research assistant at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (Amsterdam), working on early life adversity and emotional contagion in animal models. She got a position as PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam, to develop a preclinical model to explore aspects of Urban Mental Health, as part of a multidisciplinary team at the Centre of Urban Mental Health.
Roles: Spoke 2 contributor, Spoke 2 WP 5 contributor
Research interests