Leader: Anna Paterno (UNIBA)
Migration plays a crucial role in population dynamic, accelerating ageing or slowing it down. In the past decades, foreign immigration in Italy has pushed towards rejuvenation, thanks to the direct effect of young people’s arrival and the indirect effect of their fertility. While immigration is still needed, especially in certain sectors, among which the care of older people, it is slowing down, and the resident immigrant population is getting older.
The aims of this WP are:
- to monitor international migration, defining possible policies/legal aspects to manage flows (also focusing on elderly population care needs) and immigrants’ integration;
- to define indicators and policy actions (e.g. improving the health of immigrants, their integration and the education performance of their children);
- to measure the ageing impact of internal migration in local contexts.
- brief on measures to support migrants’ integration in the ageing societies (M18),
- ~3 scientific publications on role of migration and integration in a rapidly ageing Italy (~M30),
- Laymen summary of main results (M34)