Leader: Sara Mondini (UNIPD); Other collaborator(s): Giulia Sebastanutto (UNIPD)
The aim is to select appropriate short screening tools able to identify a) the cognitive status of elderly people, b) a measure of cognitive reserve (acculturation), c) a measure of motor reserve (physical activity) and d) a measure of psychological well-being. The first action will select these four tools; then the second action will consist in administering remotely all the tools to the population of elderly people. Results will allow finding interesting predictors in modulating the cognitive status and well-being in ageing with the final purpose to shape the best lifestyle for a healthy aging
Brief description of the activities and of the intermediate results
Main policy, industrial and scientific implications
Main policy:
- Creation of a protocol to assess different aspects (cognition, loneliness, well-being, cognitive and motor reserve) that impact cognitive aging
- Improving awareness in older adults on aspects of their life that enhance a successful cognitive aging
Potential policy implications:
- Results to be used to develop policies and interventions to promote healthier lifestyles across the lifespan to enhance a more successful cognitive aging
With reference to point 2. Selection and contact with nursing homes and clinical facilities where to recruit people for data collections, we proceeded with the selection of the tools for measuring cognitive decline and affective reserve, for both cognitive and physical evaluation. We started the data collection.
Dissemination event: Sebastianutto, G., Montemurro, S., Mondini, S.. Anche nell’invecchiamento facciamo resistenza (Associazione amici della Casa del Popolo, Padova), 3 Giugno 2024.
The summer months were mainly dedicated to the writing of scientific articles and a chapter on cognitive assessment in aging.
Papers submitted:
Pucci, V., Contemori, G., Saccani, M.S., Arcara, G., Mondini, S., and Bonato, M. Auto-Global Examination of Mental State (Auto-GEMS): A web-based, self-administered cognitive screening. Submitted to Ageing Clinical and Experimental Research
Montemurro, S., Rumiati, R. I., Pucci, V., Nucci, M., Mondini, S. Cognitive Reserve can impact Trajectories in ageing: A longitudinal study. Under review to Ageing Clinical and Experimental Research
(a) Data collection on approximately 600 (400+200) elderly participants with two different protocols to investigate the construct of Cognitive Reserve and Motor Reserve in relation to cognitive functioning; (b) Beginning analysis of collected data; (c) Data collection on 80 participants (40 healthy and 40 with Parkinson's disease) to investigate role of Motor and Cognitive Reserves on cognitive and motor functioning in patients with motor pathology;
Writing of the paper “Protective and risk factors for cognitive decline: The role of Sex and Occupational Status” Sebastianutto, G., Salvi Bentivoglio, S., Montemurro, S., Pucci, V., Boccuzzo G., Mondini, S.
Mangini, G., Festari, C., Ottaviani, S., Tagliafico, L., Di Cara, G., Nencioni, A., Monacelli, F., and Delphi Consensus Panel. "The Italian cross-cultural adaptation of the Social Vulnerability Index for use in the Italian context".Submitted. Sara Mondini and Giulia Sebastianutto serve on the Delphi Consensus Panel.
Mondini, S., Montemurro, S., Sebastianutto, G. (4 Dicembre 2024). Mente e corpo per raggiungere la terza e quarta età nel benessere mentale e fisico. c/o Aps PINO VERDE, Ponte san Nicolò (PD)