Leader: Claudio Lucifora (UNICATT)
Develop an evidence-based work-related map of risks and trigger points over the life-course, with permanent impact on wellbeing in old age. Define KPIs of the impact of ageing on human capital, at the individual level and at firm level, with measures of productivity and the impact of automation for older workers. Differences in human capital: Estimate the effects of the digital transition and the green transition on the young-old labour demands, within the firm and co-design and estimate a "career tracker", to identifying the policy interventions necessary to make aging at work sustainable and active over the life course. Gender differences in working arrangements, decompose market activities and non-market activities for older women relating to subjective measures of preference over activities and well-being for older people. Build a “job fragility index” at older ages.
Cascade Funding
WP5 also include research activities through cascade funding.