Biosketch: Enrico Bovo is a research fellow at the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padua in the field of Social Statistics (SECS-S/05). After graduating in Statistics at the University of Padua in 2023 with strong interests in biostatistics, social statistics and epidemiology, he started a research fellowship in the Age-It project. He worked on disease mapping, spatial data and spatial clustering during his stage at the Office of Epidemiology and Environmental Hygiene of ULSS 6 (local health authority). This led to the thesis 'Mortality profile in ULSS 6 Euganea: a study of spatial clusters and the role of social and environmental factors', which was followed by a publication and other ongoing works. In addition, he is following a project to study and analyse the life courses of the population in the area of frailty with longitudinal models in the presence of informative censoring and the healthy survivor effect, using data from the European SHARE survey. He oversaw the analysis and scientific writing of a chapter on the topic of frailty based on population surveys, as part of a book on methods and tools for policy and research in the field of frailty and ageing of the elderly. He is also carrying out statistical analyses in the field of neuropsychological and cognitive assessment through a collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (UNIPD), with the aim of analysing cognitive abilities with advancing age.
Roles: Spoke 4 WP5; collaborator in task 5.1 of WP5