Leader: Giovanna Boccuzzo (UNIPD). Collaborators: Gugliemo Weber, Sara Mondini, Klara Komici.
The WP develops analyses, models and tools for the identification of vulnerable subjects and at risk of frailty in the various stages of life, and studies the causal pathways that generate unhealthy aging. The analysis considers the role of individual factors (socioeconomic status, formal and informal support, ...) and context (social environments, social cohesion, public policies, ...) on healthy and unhealthy aging. For this purpose, longitudinal databases based on administrative data and on sample surveys are used; Further ad hoc qualitative and quantitative surveys will be developed which will make it possible to reconstruct the missing paths and to enrich the administrative databases with detailed sample data. Algorithms will be built to measure the different degrees of vulnerability and assessment tools, thus providing decision-making tools for taking care of individuals by health and social services.