Leader: Cecilia Tomassini (UNIMOL); Other collaborator(s): Giorgio Di Gessa (UCL); Maria Epifania (UNIMOL), Stefano Corso (UNIPD), Arianna Fusaro (UNIPD)
Provision and receipt of care are rarely included in population surveys and the information is not always linked to specific tasks. While difficulties with ADL and IADL are gathered, information on who, how often and how receive support is not present in current surveys. Time spent in providing care to older individuals and other competing activities (such as work, domestic chores and leisure time) is crucial to understand households' organisation, gender roles, socio-economic inequalities among adult and older individuals. Starting from the work done by some members of the spoke for the Authority of Statistical Information, this task aims to provide a comprehensive and evaluative picture of care flows using national representative population surveys that will feed the other WPs and, at the same time, offer a set of proposals for future data collections on care.
WP1 presentation Aprire Network April 2024