Leader: Rabih Chattat (UNIBO)
Providing care for an ageing population involves the work and coordination of a wide range of professional, informal caregivers and home care supports. The development of an affordable, integrated and person-centered service delivery model, which is one of the main goals of this spoke, can only be achieved by arising skills, training and awareness of all individuals and institutional actors involved in the process of care provision. Formal training and the dissemination of the research results are an important pillar in the process of knowledge transfer to all end users and, by this, in the process of improving the quality of care, the sustainability of an ageing society and the implementation of a successful model of ageing communities. The main goals of this WP are the development of: (i) training modules on older people health, services, psychological and socio-economic and demographic aspects to be considered in the care provision process; (ii) contents modules for end users with basic information about specific diseases and skills needed to cope and manage; (iii) a learning platform easy accessible for professional and informal caregivers in order to build skills and to offer information about the available services, models and ways of access. The output of WP 5 will integrate and be informed by the results of the other WPs.