Leader: Marco Alberio (UNIBO); Other collaborator(s): Loris Vergolini (UNIBO), Sarah Songhorian (UNISR), Arianna Costantini (SAPIENZA)
This WP tackles cultural aspects of ageing with a life course perspective. It aims to:
- analyse scripts of life in ageing societies;
- explore experiences and representations of ageing in the labour market, through an employer-employee perspective;
- evaluate life quality and territorial policies for age-friendly cities in a gender perspective;
- explore mobilities and migrations of Italian seniors examining cultural, political and socioeconomic aspects;
- analyse cultural determinants and socio-cultural representations: justice and empathy in caring practices
- Policy brief on older people quality of life in the urban environment (M30),
- ~3 scientific publications on cultural aspects of ageing (~M30),
- End-users’ guidelines on strategies for improving quality of life (M34),
- laymen summaries on policies for an age-friendly urban environment (M34).